Portuguese lanche (pronounced: lun’-sh) is my favorite meal of the day. Although the word lanche comes from the English lunch, it is actually a completely different meal. Lanche is served in late afternoon as a sort of stop-gap until dinnertime. It’s a typical meal in Portugal, most similar to English afternoon tea (which also happens to have Portuguese origins, by the way). So what exactly is lanche and why will it change your life?

The actual contents of a Portuguese lanche varies between families, locations, and occasions. It can be light or extravagant. Typical lanche food often includes sandwiches, fritos (fried pastries filled with meats and fish, such as meat croquettes), cheeses, cured meats, bread, fruit, cakes, and cookies. So yes, it can be a real feast! I usually start off with chouriço or presunto sandwiches and delicious cheeses (Serra, S. Jorge, and requeijão – to name only a few). Of course, it wouldn’t be my favorite meal without a little something sweet at the end. Cake, broas, or cookies are the most common sweet treats. To drink, you have juices, tea, or coffee or even a little wine, depending on how much you’re eating. Needless to say, I am such a lanche enthusiast that often fill up on a heavy lanche and opt for a light dinner.

Yummy food aside, I love lanche because it brings friends and family together in a relaxed, fun environment. Less formal and less structured than a regular meal, it feels different somehow. Lanche knows no age: kids and adults love lanche! Meeting your friend(s) for a “lanchinho” at a café to catch up or hosting a lanche at home is all part of the Portuguese identity. It starts from when you’re a child and you get home from school and enjoy a simple lanche before doing your homework. I personally feel that the institution of lanche is a perfect exampleof how food is such an integral part of Portuguese culture.
What are your favorite lanche foods? Comment below. I’m going to eat now!

As you know, I’m a total sucker for a well-made torrada… lots of butter on both sides, thick square bread, cut into six pieces. So simple, yet SO GOOD and yet the rest of the world has not caught on to this!
So true! Silly world! 😉